Thursday, February 23, 2012

Earth Features Test

Hi everyone,

We are planning to have our Earth Features Test on Monday Feb. 27th.  Because we did not see the first 2 hours of the day I wanted to make sure and get this review sheet out to you!  We will push the test to Tuesday IF there is a snow day Friday and we have no school.  Please always feel free to contact me with any questions! 

Earth Features Review Sheet

Have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quiz Thursday!!

Hey everyone, do not forget about the quiz tomorrow in class.  It will cover the following:

  • Layers of the Earth
    • Make up of each
    • Seismic waves (p&s waves)
    • Depth of each layer

  • Plate Boundaries
    • Convergent
    • Divergent
    • Transform
    • Features found at certain boundary types
    • Differences between types of crust

  • Rock Types / Cycle
    • Igneous - Intrusive/Exstrusive
    • Metamorphic - Foliated / Non-Foliated
    • Sedimentary - Erosion, Deposition, Compaction, Cementation
    • Know how each rock is formed
    • Know how each rock can change from one to another
Well there it is in a nutshell, you should have all the notes you need to study, let me know if you have any last min. questions tomorrow before the quiz!  Study pays off!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sneak Peak at Volcanoes....Cool Stuff Coming Up in Class!

Here is a sneak peak at some cool volcanoes that we will be taking a look at in class soon!  Google Earth is an amazing tool that allows us to see actual volcanoes that we discuss in class! 

Mt. Fuji.....know what type of volcano this is??  You will find out!

Mt. St. Helens, any guesses on what type this one is?  Would you want to vacation or live near it?

Big Island of Hawaii, what type is this?  I am not even going to ask if you would want to live by this one!  Duh!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Plate Boundary Data Maps

Here are the plate boundary data maps that you need to use for the type III writing in class.  We will have about 15-20 min. of work time at the start of class tomorrow.  Make sure you use 3 pieces of data from each location you describe.  Feel free to comment or e-mail with any questions.
Sea Floor Data

Earthquake Data

Geography Data

Volcanic Data

Have a great afternoon!